Monday, August 29, 2011

Is The Information Age Finally Arriving in Pohatcong?

Pohatcong Residents Celebrate Impending Arrival of New Township Website

Unlike most other townships in New Jersey these days, the residents of Pohatcong have found it a frustrating experience to access basic information about their town such as when, where and what time meetings are held, minutes and agendas for same, posting of township budgets, contact numbers for town officials and so on. Invariably,  excuses were always given as to why  maintaining and updating a website was mission impossible here in Pohatcong Township.  The dismal failure over the last several years of our hapless elected town council and the town's  ill-mannered and hostile former mayor to get this task done should be kept in mind by voters this November and every November thereafter.

When the township residents elected young James Kern this past May to be our new mayor, a new impetus for delivering the town from it's dark past of information blackout, to a more normative flow of bits and bytes that we have come to expect in our digitized culture- now seems at hand. According to sources in our pipeline, it may be no more than a week or two before the town rolls out our new website.  If this is true, then the long suffering taxpayers of Pohatcong  may finally have cause  to celebrate as we (somewhat belatedly) join in the information revolution  that has been ongoing since the previous millennium

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Water, Water Everywhere

Closed Until Further Notice: Stone Tunnel on Municipal Drive

While Hurricane Irene may have disappointed in living up to the promised storm of the century hype, it did nevertheless leave the town feeling quite soggy.  Unlike the recent storm in early July, which ripped through the area with high winds and brought down a lot of timber, the wind factor was relatively mild but the wet factor was where the pain was this time.
No This Is Not A River.  This Is Ravine Road.

Play Ball? Don't Forget Your Scuba Gear and Canoe.  Baseball Field in Finesville.