Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pohatcong Reality TV-Vol.1: Jerry Kern Unloads!

Jerry Kern (no relation to Mayor Jim Kern) takes exception to comments by Eugene Weber, of the Land Use Board, at the Pohatcong Town Council meeting on Mar.20th 2012 and offers up his own bit of history on the effects of the Highlands Act in his life. At issue this evening was Ordinance 12-02 : Of The Township of Pohatcong to Petition the Highlands Council for Plan Conformance for The Planning Area. Later,  motion to vote on ordinance failed when there was no second on council  to move ahead on vote.

(Note: Video is about 15 minutes. In 2 parts in order to comply with You Tube Terms of Service)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pohatcong Job Opportunities

At some recent town council meetings several residents suggested that when openings for municipal jobs become available that this information should also be posted on the township website.  Well it now has:


The Township of Pohatcong is seeking a Municipal Court Office Assistant, Part-Time Position 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. /No Benefits. Pohatcong Residents preferred. Please submit application/resume by March 16th, to the attention of: Wanda L. Kutzman, Township Clerk, 50 Municipal Drive, Phillipsburg, New Jersey 08865.

Township of Pohatcong

Applicant must possess a current Class B CDL License at minimum. Pohatcong Residents preferred. Please submit application or resume as soon as possible / by March 16th to: Wanda Kutzman, Township Clerk, 50 Municipal Drive, Phillipsburg, New Jersey 08865.

Pohatcong Food Pantry: An Update

Thank-you to those readers who responded to our initial post and have made contributions of food and other items to help our local pantry.  According to the nice ladies who volunteer at the church, there are approximately 185 people in our town who are currently using this resource -so the need continues to burgeon.  The ladies said they are particularly seeking additional supplies of protein rich foods, so if you are in a position to make a donation, please keep this in mind.

WhereFinesville United Methodist Church
             150 County Road 627
             (908) 995-0115

When:  Every Wednesday morning from 10:00 a.m. till 12:00 Noon