Tuesday, November 3, 2015

2015 Pohatcong Election Results (Updated)



Council :



Sunday, November 1, 2015

Pohatcong Election 2015 > Affirmation Time?

Pohatcong Mayor James Kern with Town Council hopeful, Ingrid Gray.

After last years somewhat of a dud election some drama has returned to the election
process this year as three candidates vie for the town council seat that is being vacated by
outgoing councilman, Frank Becker. 
Throwing her hat into the ring this year is first time candidate, Ingrid Gray, a life-long Pohatcong
resident recently retired from the teaching profession at DVRHS where as recently as 2012 she
snagged "Teacher of the Year" honors.  According to her bio, Gray also spent a couple of decades
working the land as a farmer and currently serves as music director and organist at her church. With the
added endorsement of Pohatcong's popular, young mayor, things must certainly be feeling upbeat
over at Gray campaign head quarters.

In contrast, the other two candidates each come into the ring with poor outcomes in recent elections.
Former Mayor Steve Babinsky was soundly trashed in his prior attempt at council in 2011 when he
was beaten by Mary Van Lieu in landslide fashion. It seems like voters then were not ready to forgive
and forget the ugly, imperious behavior that was visited upon them during his reign (of terror?) as mayor.

Likewise, former Pohatcong Police Lieutenant, Dean McBride, finished next to last in the competitive
eight person race for school board in 2013.  Hanging over his head have been repercussions from
le affaire Pagano - which still seems to linger in the minds of many voters.

While the race for mayor is uncontested it is not without some points of interest.  When elected four years
ago, James Kern was at the age of 22, the youngest serving mayor in New Jersey.  Would it turn out
well for Pohatcong or not seemed to be the question at that time.  Well that question seems to have an answer
now that he is running for re-election  without opposition -which is of course, a measure of strength.  Unlike the
neighboring townships of Greenwich and Lopatcong, where mortal combat between office holders seems to
be the order of the day, things seem fairly harmonious here in Pohatcong.  And for that reason,
for young James Kern, Tuesday will be more an affirmation day than an election day.

Barring any technical snafus, we will be posting election results here, as we have in the past, on election night -
Tueday, Nov. 3, looking as always, to beat the local commercial media to the punch.