The people of Pohatcong seemed to be hankering for a change in direction and they may have achieved this in part on May 1oth with the overwhelming victory of young James Kern over the his one remaining and tarnished politic rival.
In case you were not already paying attention, the field this year was narrowed due to the sudden passing of former councilman, Sam Souders and the prudent decision of our unpopular current mayor to withdraw. Regardless of these events, Kern seemed to have the game well in hand going in and his well run , energetic campaign really caught on with the public who showed up in far greater numbers than usual to vote this year.
Of course, the real challenge for Kern begins on July 1st once he has been sworn in and sets about trying to get a few things done. Pohatcong is no different from any other small town in New Jersey where the entrenched permanent government of public workers and contracted specialists tend to rule the roost and change of any kind is a mortal threat to their interests.
To overcome this inertia, Kern would be wise to continue enlisting his supporters to help carry out the task of reforming the worn- out and failed business-as-usual approach that has prevailed on Municpal Drive for too long. The people voted for some positive change this year and at least deserve an honest shot at getting just that.
How can change be present if the same people are always in charge what I am referring to is the four month hole for town council, some of our town-council men want Babinski A.K.A Baboonski to fill the hole. Let's witness the rise of the American citizen and tell town council NOT to let Babinski fill the hole. Please do not let this become divided fuse of the populace you voted for either Kern or Pagano hoping for change, If Babinski still has a impact on Pohatcong how can change be present.
ReplyDeleteGood point Smokey Joe. The election was a mandate for change and the outgoing mayor could have stayed the course and taken his lumps. Clearly, if a couple of our council critters intend to usher him back through the back door this would provoke much outrage on the part of our town's citizenry. His time is up. It is time for him to go. Let's see what happens.