Ravine Road : Before Makeover |
Ravine Road: Newly Resurrected |
The fate of one of our favorite but perhaps somewhat unbeloved, obscure township roadways seemed sealed less than a year ago when our elected officials decided to close it down and abandon it forever. After all, there are no township residences along this road and the mighty sum of 450,000 greenbacks had been floated as a reasonable cost to fix it in the way it takes governments to fix things. RIP forever. Well almost.
In perhaps what may be a harbinger of how things will get done in the (hard) future that lies ahead, there were some folks in town who decided that what was needed here was a bypass operation spearheaded by a healthy injection of volunteerism. Leaping into gear with his mighty earth moving/shaping equipment, resident Walter Van Lieu set about to set things right and after labouring at the task for several days, mirabile visu, our plucky little road lives on!
Although Walt volunteered to help the township, credit must, also, be given to the road department members who worked with him to achieve the road repair. :-)