When it came to spying on it's own citizens, the Stasi, the secret police of the now defunct German Democratic Republic (East Germany), certainly should be considered for top honors since they achieved the dubious distinction of having one of the highest citizen/spy ratios in recent history. Perhaps in an effort to do the Stasi one better, we are here in the home of the brave and the free, developing our own home grown snitch and spy program courtesy of head honcho and Big Sister Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security and Walmart, Inc. The creepy, "If you see something, say something" campaign may soon be coming to a new Walmart Super Center being built near you.
If spying and snitching on your fellow citizens while shopping for the usual gaudy junk from China doesn't appeal to you, then despair not because the Pohatcong Town Council has provided
us with some comic relief. By unanimous vote, our council critters have given the okay to have traffic cameras installed at certain busy intersections along our big box corridor on Rt 22. But it's all about public safety after all so that's okay right? Never mind that this has never been proven because as one of the critters said to me "hey, the town could use the money" and that seems to trump all these days. Keep that in mind as you mail out that first infraction check and remember to smile as you do so or someone from Walmart nation may drop a dime on you. Big Sister loves you. You will learn to love her too.